↑ Writing ↑


Reading, 'riting, and Routing


A number of people have been pleading ignorance with regards to interfacing with the TPOCC parser (Steve, of course, doesn't need to plead). This memo will do two things. First, a brief introduction to networking is given. Second, you'll be shown how the parser and your process can route messages to each other.

Networking Basics

Networking for Nitwits

Just kidding! Network communications are really very easy to understand. Simply think of the network as a telephone system. Two people can talk to each other over a phone line. Two processes can talk to each other over a network connection. One person calls the other on the phone; the other person answers at the other end. A client process calls a server process over the network; the server process answers at the other end. It's this simple:

                      phone connection
        Steve  *--------------------------->  Alex
                                              (with ear plugs)

                     network connection
       Client  <--------------------------->  Server

"*" would be an arrow if Alex could get a word in edgewise. And yes, Luan, there is a networking equivalent to 1-900-976-PARTY.

In UNIX, there is a socket at each end of a network connection. A socket is just a file descriptor that a process can read from or write to. Whatever the client writes to its socket can be read by the server from its socket. In the same manner, whatever the server writes to its socket can be read by the client from its socket.

The data transferred over the network can take any form. On TPOCC, we try to use Sun's eXternal Data Representation (XDR) protocol for passing data. XDR defines a standard layout for various data types that travel across the network. Integers are represented as 4-byte numbers and floating point values adhere to the IEEE floating point format. Character strings are represented as: (i) a 4-byte length field, (ii) the string data, and (iii) the fill bytes necessary to round the string length up to a multiple of 4 bytes. Standard representations for additional data types are also defined.

With the appropriate XDR software on both sides, two computers with dissimilar architectures can trade data back and forth. The XDR software on machine A translates the data from machine A's representation to XDR format. The data is transmitted in XDR representation to machine B. The XDR software on machine B then translates the data from XDR format to B's representation. The data is now ready for use on machine B. In one of those curious coincidences that sometimes occur in nature, most of the XDR data representations map directly into the corresponding Sun data representations.

Reads and writes on a socket are performed using the UNIX read(2) and write(2) system calls. One caveat regarding I/O on a socket: the number of bytes of data requested may not equal the actual number of bytes read/written in a single read()/write() call. For example, if you try to write out 100 bytes to the network, write() might return saying it only transferred 53 bytes. You must issue one or more additional write()'s to output the remaining 47 bytes. The network routines found in the TPOCC library (net_read(), net_write(), and the various net_read_xdr_type() and net_write_xdr_type()) automatically loop to input/output the requested amounts of data.

What If the Line's Busy?

Reading and writing data between two processes over a network connection is no big deal; the hard part is establishing the initial connection between the two processes. Returning to the telephone analogy, the client process "calls" the server process which, in turn, must "answer" the call. Two TPOCC library routines, net_call() and net_answer(), implement these functions and greatly simplify the task of connecting a client and a server.

To "call" a server, a client process must know the computer on which the server can be found (the server's host) and the server's name. For example, the parser would contact Barbara's MCCSIM process as follows:

    char  *host_name = "blue_box" ;
    char  *server_name = "mccsim_by_barbara" ;
    int  server_socket ;

    if (net_call (host_name, server_name, &server_socket)) {
        vperror ("[%s] Error calling \"%s\":\"%s\".\n",
                 argv[0], host_name, server_name) ;

If the MCCSIM process "answers" the parser's "call", net_call() returns a file descriptor in server_socket that the parser can use to read messages from and write messages to MCCSIM.

To pick up the receiver, the MCCSIM process simply does the following:

    char  *server_name = "mccsim_by_barbara" ;
    int  client_socket, server_socket = -1 ;

    if (net_answer (server_name, 99, &server_socket, &client_socket)) {
        vperror ("[%s] Error answering connection request.\n", argv[0]) ;

If all goes well, net_answer() returns a file descriptor in client_socket that MCCSIM can use to read messages from and write messages to the parser.

At this point, you're probably thinking to yourself, "Wow! The rest of my life should be this easy! I'm gonna be sure to mention these library routines to Russ 'CEO' Talcott at the next ISI pizza bash." Whoa! Life is not quite so easy for servers, or even clients for that matter.

Those Who Can, Serve - Those Who Can't, Client

A client process is one that requests a service. A server process is one that performs a service. Much as a poor, hard-working, silently-suffering, X-Windows programmer may have a multitude of living-in-the-lap-of-luxury managers telling him what to do, a server process is liable to have many clients requesting its service.

Using net_answer(), a server process sits and listens at an assigned network port for connection requests from clients. The network port itself has a socket bound to it, the server_socket returned by net_answer(). When a network connection request from a net_call()'ing client is accepted, UNIX automatically creates a new socket, the client_socket returned by net_answer(). The listening port socket is dedicated to fielding connection requests from clients; the client socket is used for actual data communications between the server and its new client.

Having established a connection with a client, the server process must choose one among several paths to follow:

  1. Service the connection, close the connection, and then go back to listening for new clients.

  2. Fork a child process to service the connection and go back to listening for new clients.

  3. Add the new connection to a list of client connections; then, simultaneously service the entire set of clients while listening for new clients.

Skeleton code for the above servicing paradigms is presented in the following paragraphs.

Sequential servicing of clients is the easiest method. Answer a client call, service the client, and, finally, hang up the call:

    char  *server_name = "mccsim_by_barbara" ;
    int  client_socket, server_socket = -1 ;

    for ( ; ; ) {    /* FOR ever */

        if (net_answer (server_name, 99,
                        &server_socket, &client_socket)) {
            vperror ("[%s] Error answering connection request.\n",
                     argv[0]) ;
            continue ;

        ... Service the client by net_read()ing and
        ... net_write()ing on client_socket.

        shutdown (client_socket, 2) ;
        close (client_socket) ;


Forking a child process to service a client is a clean and frequently-used technique. A forked process inherits all the open file descriptors from its parent. The forked process closes its copy of the listening port socket and talks to the client over the data socket; the main server process closes its copy of the data socket and continues to listen at the listening port socket:

    char  *server_name = "mccsim_by_barbara" ;
    int  client_socket, server_socket = -1 ;

    for ( ; ; ) {    /* FOR ever */

        if (net_answer (server_name, 99,
                        &server_socket, &client_socket)) {
            vperror ("[%s] Error answering connection request.\n",
                     argv[0]) ;
            continue ;

        if (fork () == 0) {         /* Am I the forked process? */
            close (server_socket) ;
            ... Service the client by net_read()ing and
            ... net_write()ing on client_socket.
            shutdown (client_socket, 2) ;
            close (client_socket) ;
            exit (0) ;
        } else {                    /* Am I the main process. */
            close (client_socket) ;


Trying to walk and chew gum at the same time might be difficult for some people, but simultaneously servicing old clients and listening for new clients is not really all that hard. The UNIX system call, select(2), allows you to monitor multiple I/O channels for the availability of input data (including connection requests). select() uses bit masks to specify the one or more file descriptors it must examine; macros for manipulating bit masks are defined in the system "types.h" file.

One of the arguments to select() is a timeout value. If no timeout value is specified, select() blocks until data becomes available on one of the I/O channels. A timeout value of zero causes select() to return immediately, in effect a quick poll to see if any of the I/O channels is ready for reading. Other timeout values limit the amount of time select() will wait if all channels are idle.

The following example illustrates how a server program could listen for and accept connection requests from new clients while servicing previously connected clients. Note how net_answer() is initially called to create the listening port socket without actually accepting any connection requests:

    #ifdef  PRE_SUN_OS_40
    #    include  "fd.h"           /* File descriptor set definitions. */
    #    include  <sys/types.h>    /* System type definitions. */

    char  *server_name = "mccsim_by_barbara" ;
    int  client, num_clients = 0 ;
    int  client_socket[FD_SETSIZE], server_socket = -1 ;
    fd_set  read_mask ;

    /* Create and bind a socket to the listening port. */

    if (net_answer (server_name, -99, &server_socket, NULL)) {
        vperror ("[%s] Error setting up server socket.\n", argv[0]) ;
        exit (errno) ;

      Field connection requests from new clients and service old clients.

    for ( ; ; ) {    /* FOR ever */

    /* Monitor all the sockets for input. */

        FD_ZERO(&read_mask) ;
        FD_SET(server_socket, &read_mask) ;
        for (client = 0 ;  client < num_clients ;  client++)
            FD_SET(client_socket[client], &read_mask) ;

        while (select (FD_SETSIZE, &read_mask, NULL, NULL, NULL) < 0) {
            if (errno == EINTR)  continue ;    /* SELECT interrupted by
                                                  signal - try again. */
            vperror ("[%s] Error checking network for input.\nselect: ",
                     argv[0]) ;
            exit (errno) ;

    /* If a new client is requesting a connection, then accept the
       request and add the client to the list of clients. */

        if (FD_ISSET(server_socket, &read_mask)) {
            if (net_answer (server_name, 99, &server_socket,
                            &client_socket[num_clients++])) {
                vperror ("[%s] Error answering connection request.\n",
                         argv[0]) ;
                num_clients-- ;

    /* Service any old clients that need to be serviced. */

        for (client = 0 ;  client < num_clients ;  client++) {
            if (FD_ISSET(client_socket[client], &read_mask)) {
                ... Service the client by net_read()ing and
                ... net_write()ing on client_socket[client].


Asynchronous Traps and Event Flags

select(), as used in the examples above, blocks until data is received on one of the file descriptors. This, of course, would be a problem if your program must also react to events outside the I/O system. For example, earlier versions of the events server had to (i) listen for connection requests from client display processes, (ii) read event class messages from connected clients, and (iii) read event logger messages from a message queue. Message queues are not part of the UNIX I/O system and, therefore, can not be monitored by select().

Unfortunately, we are not using the VAX/VMS (Valuable, Mature, Sophisticated) operating system, otherwise we'd have AST's and event flags at our disposal. All you have available under UNIX is signals and semaphores. If data comes in on any one of your 87 I/O channels, all you'll get is a faceless SIGIO interrupt - you'll have to poll all 87 file descriptors to determine which one to read. And the only way to be alerted to the presence of new messages in a message queue is to depend on the sending process to issue a UNIX signal or to set a semaphore.

One scheme for monitoring multiple types of events is for the process to wait on an event semaphore. Whenever an event occurs, the semaphore should be signalled somehow. When the process' wait on the event semaphore completes, it then goes out and polls all of its event sources.

How is the event semaphore set? In the case of message queue input and similar events, the sending process can signal the receiving process' event semaphore. In the case of I/O system events, a SIGIO signal handler in the receiving process can field the SIGIO interrupt and signal the event semaphore.

The following code fragments were taken from the now-defunct Router server. The main router process, whose code is shown below, monitored (i) its input message queue, (ii) its network server port, and (iii) standard input, for "connection requests". Whenever a connection request was received, the server would fork a child router process to act as a bridge between a message queue link and a network connection.

    #include  <fcntl.h>        /* File control definitions. */
    #include  <signal.h>       /* Signal definitions. */

    main ()


        Create an input message queue and an event semaphore for the
        main router process.  Set up a network socket to receive connection
        requests.  Configure the socket and standard input so that incoming
        requests will cause the I/O handler to be invoked.  (The event
        semaphore, signalled by the I/O handler or by other processes sending
        messages, enables the router to monitor the network, standard input,
        and its message queue simultaneously.)

        if (create_msq (router_key, &my_input_msq))
            vperror ("[%s] Error creating input message queue.\n", pname) ;

        if (create_sem (router_key, &my_event_sem))
            vperror ("[%s] Error creating event semaphore.\n", pname) ;

        if (net_answer (server_name, -99, &server_socket, &client_socket))
            vperror ("[%s] Error setting up server socket.\n", pname) ;

    /* Set up a handler to receive SIGIO interrupts (generated by file I/O)
       and configure the input streams (network and standard input) to generate
       these interrupts.  The FCNTL parameters are described in FCNTL(2V) in
       the UNIX documentation.  NOTE:  FCNTL calls vary between operating
       systems, and even between Sun OS 4.0 and Sun OS 3.4. */

        saved_IO_handlers = set_handler (IO_handler, SIGIO, 0) ;

        if (fcntl (server_socket, F_SETOWN, pid))
            vperror ("[%s] Error redirecting network I/O interrupts.\nfcntl: ",
                     pname) ;
        if (fcntl (server_socket, F_SETFL, FASYNC))
            vperror ("[%s] Error enabling asynchronous network I/O.\nfcntl: ",
                     pname) ;

        if (fcntl (fileno (stdin), F_SETOWN, pid))
            vperror ("[%s] Error redirecting TTY I/O interrupts.\nfcntl: ",
                     pname) ;
        if (fcntl (fileno (stdin), F_SETFL, FASYNC))
            vperror ("[%s] Error enabling asynchronous TTY I/O.\nfcntl: ",

        Wait for a "connection request" (via the network or via the message
        queue) and accept it.  Then fork a separate process to handle the
        connection and go back to waiting.

        for ( ; ; ) {

            if (wait_on_flag (&my_event_sem, -1)) {
                vperror ("[%s] Error waiting on event semaphore.\n", pname) ;
                exit (errno) ;

            ...    Poll the input message queue, standard input,
            ...    and the server's listening port.  If a connection
            ...    request was received, then, fork a process to
            ...    handle the connection.

            if (fork () == 0) {           /* Am I the forked process? */

                reset_handlers (saved_IO_handlers) ;
                close (server_socket) ;
                ...    A child router process simply acts as a go-between
                ...    between a message queue and a network connection.
                ...    Anything read from one gets written out to the other.
                shutdown (client_socket, 2) ;
                close (client_socket) ;
                exit (0) ;

            } else {                      /* Am I the main process. */

                close (client_socket) ;


        }     /* Keep waiting for more connection requests. */



        I/O Handler.

        Invoked by the system in response to a SIGIO signal:

            IO_handler (sig, code, scp, addr)


            (see SIGVEC(2) for detailed descriptions of arguments)

            <sig>   is the signal causing invocation of the handler.
            <code>  provides additional information for certain signals.
            <scp>   points to the signal context prior to the signal.
            <addr>  provides additional address information for certain signals.


    void  IO_handler (sig, code, scp, addr)

        int  sig, code ;
        struct  sigcontext  *scp ;
        char  *addr ;

        signal_flag (&my_event_sem) ;

The program above is really a good example of how not to design your program. An alternative to mixing message queues and network sockets is to use FIFO's instead of message queues. FIFO's, or named pipes, provide the same functionality as message queues, but with all the bells and whistles of normal file I/O. Their mention in the Sun documentation does not exactly stand out, so I think we should forgive the poor soul who, enamored of VMS mailboxes, pushed message queues.

Server 54, Where are You?

When a client does a net_call(), how does the system map the host and server names to a server port on a given machine? When a server does a net_answer(), how does the system map the server's name to a server port? Quite simply, the system looks up the information in some system files.

The /etc/hosts system file contains a list of remote computer system names and their corresponding network addresses. Server names and their corresponding port numbers are listed in /etc/services. Note that host names and addresses are unique on a network. Server names and port numbers are local to a particular host; there is no requirement that they be unique across different hosts. A fully- qualified network address for a server is constructed from the server's host address and the server's port number.

net_call() looks up the host and server names in their respective files, constructs the server's complete network address from its host address and its port number, binds the full address to a socket, and then connects to the server through the socket. net_answer() looks up the local host name and the name of the server in the two files, constructs the server's complete network address, binds the address to a socket, and then listens to that socket for connection requests.

In order for a client to contact a server: (i) the server's host machine must appear in the client computer's /etc/hosts file, and (ii) the server's name and port number must be added to the /etc/services files on both the client and server computers. The /etc/hosts files are usually updated whenever a new computer is attached to the network, so you probably don't have to worry about that file. To add your server to the /etc/services file, edit the file, and position down near the bottom:

    # TPOCC Services
    ticl_server     2468/tcp
    netecho         2469/tcp
    router_server   2470/tcp
    tlmgen          2471/tcp

As you can see, NETECHO is assigned port number 2469 and uses the "tcp" network protocol. Simply pick an unused port number (0-1023 are reserved) and add your server to the file. Be sure and use the same port number on both the client and server machines.

Some of you are probably scratching your heads, "Why the need for identical entries in the /etc/services files on the client and server computers?" The reason is that net_call() is cheating a little bit by making these assumptions. In reality, the client's system should look up the server name in the server host's /etc/services file, not in its own services file. To do so, however, requires a distributed database of hosts and server names. UNIX provides this capability with the Yellow Pages network lookup service. Someday we can set this up, but the present method will do for now. Upgrading to Yellow Pages should not affect the application programs, since any changes will be hidden inside net_call() and net_answer().

Things That Go Bump in the Night

Meng has been trying to punch holes in the TPOCC Library networking routines for the past year and never misses an opportunity to discredit them in front of my managers. So far, she has been unsuccessful. (Steve, Nancy, Barbara, and Gordon have had more success, however, with little quips like "Get any sleep last night, Alex?" and "I'm glad ISI's payroll program doesn't core dump on decimal points, Alex.") Trust me! The networking utilities work pretty well, IMHO. There are some pitfalls in UNIX networking, however, that you should watch out for.

First, as I mentioned much earlier, don't expect the amount of data that you write out to the network to bear any relationship to the amount of data the receiving process reads in at one shot. If you write two 100-byte records to a socket connection, the other program might read() the data in 34-, 147-, and 19-byte chunks. (And, by the same token, don't assume that only two write()'s were required to output the 200 bytes.)

net_read() and net_write() automatically loop to input or output the requested amount of data, so you usually don't have to be concerned with this problem at that level. You do, however, need to superimpose a protocol on the data transfers between two processes; they need to have some way of knowing exactly how much data to read or write and where the message boundaries are. If a client and server always exchange fixed-length, 20-byte messages, they'll always know how much data to read/write for a full message.

XDR comes in handy for more complicated data transfers. The parser, for instance, transmits and receives variable-length messages. Using XDR strings, each message is sent out as a 4-byte length field followed by the variable-length message text. The receiving program reads 4 bytes for the length field and then the specified amount of text; the reader always knows how much to read. The data and events servers utilize even more complex C structures composed of integers, reals, character strings, etc. and take advantage of a full range of XDR data types and record delimiters.

Speaking of XDR, the net_xdr_util utilities in the TPOCC Library provide a simplified network interface for some of the primitive XDR data types. If you or your requirements are more sophisticated, then you ought to check out Sun's XDR routines, including their XDR code generator, rpcgen - Nancy is the expert on these.

Some final caveats deal with terminating network connections. UNIX's low-level read() function returns zero on end-of-file (broken connection) or if there is no data available; using ioctl() to check how much data is waiting to be read suffers from the same ambiguity. The read() problem will only affect you if your socket is in non- blocking mode; ioctl() will have the problem whatever your mode is. It's possible to distinguish between end-of-file and no-data by performing a select() before doing the read() or ioctl(). If select() says there is data to read and the immediately following read()/ioctl() says there is no data, then you've lost your connection.

To terminate a connection, both the client and the server processes need to shutdown() and close() their respective sockets:

    shutdown (socket, 2) ;
    close (socket) ;

The shutdown() call discards any data in transit on the socket connection and prevents any more reads and writes. It's important that both sides of a connection shutdown and close their sockets. Suppose a server process goes down while the client process remains up with an open socket connection. If you try starting up the server again, its net_answer() will fail with a "bind: address already in use" message. This error will keep up until the client's socket is shutdown and closed. If the client only closes its socket, the system will automatically shut it down - after a few minutes!

The Parser and You

When Steve's not busy casting data types, he casts aspersions on the parser program. Officially titled the TPOCC Interactive Command Language (TICL) Interpreter, the parser is actually a very versatile program. The parser functions as both a client and a server:

           (Client)    (Server)
      Display  <---------->  Parser  <---------->  Applications
                                 (Client)    (Server)

As a server, the parser receives and processes commands from Display. As a client, the parser sends out commands to application tasks for processing.

Display-Parser Interface

Connecting the Display Process to the Parser

The parser is implemented as a network-based server. A parser server for the desired language (e.g., ICE, MCCSIM, etc.) is brought up and it continually listens for connection requests from display processes. When a connection request is received and accepted, the parser server forks a child process that is dedicated to serving the new connection. The parser server returns to listening for connection requests and the child process begins processing commands received over the connection.

Normally, the display process will need to establish a connection to a parser process whenever a new page containing an input command line is brought up. Establishing a connection is as simple as:

    if (net_call (host_name, server_name, &server_socket)) {
        vperror ("[%s] Error calling \"%s\":\"%s\".\n",
                 argv[0], host_name, server_name) ;

where host_name is the name of the computer on which the parser server is running (NULL can be specified if the display and parser processes are running on the same machine); server_name is the name of the parser server (e.g., "parser_ice", "parser_mccsim", etc.). server_socket returns the network connection to the forked parser process.

How Display Communicates with a Parser Process

All communications between Display and a forked parser process are done using Sun's XDR protocol for ASCII strings. The code shown below uses the TPOCC library routines for reading and writing XDR strings, but you could just as well use the standard Sun routines.

All operator input should be sent to the parser process as-is, i.e., "PAGE CMDSTATUS" should be sent over as "PAGE CMDSTATUS". The parser process does not currently handle the old-style bracketed display information, so don't send it. The TICL_TALK program uses the following bit of code to send operator input to the parser:

    length = strlen (input_buffer) ;
    if (net_write_xdr_string (server_socket, input_buffer, length)) {
        vperror ("[%s] Error writing message to network.\n", argv[0]) ;

All output from the parser to the display process has a type tag enclosed in brackets at the beginning of each message (for example, "[OI] This text was entered by the operator."). The following message types are currently handled or envisioned for the future:

[AS] - Prompt String
The text of this message should be used to prompt the operator for input. The next operator input is treated by the parser as the operator's response to the prompt.

[NI] - Network Input
The text of this message was just received by the parser as input from a remote application process (e.g., the spacecraft command server, telemetry decom, etc.).

[NO] - Network Output
The text of this message was just output by the parser to a remote application process.

[OI] - Operator Input
The text of this message was just received by the parser as input from the operator (i.e., the operator just entered it at the keyboard).

[OO] - Operator Output
The text of this message is to be displayed on the operator's screen. This message type encompasses error messages, informational messages, etc.

[PI] - Procedure Input (to be executed)
The text of each line read from a STOL procedure file and executed by the parser is echoed to the display process with this type tag. Each PI message is actually output immediately before the line is executed.

[PN] - Procedure Input (NOT to be executed)
Not all lines read from a procedure file are executed, e.g., the unexecuted parts of IF-THEN-ELSE blocks, etc. Lines read from a procedure file but not executed are echoed to the display process with the "[PN]" tag.

[PO] - Procedure Output
This message class consists of operator output generated by STOL directives input from a procedure. This message class is not currently implemented and its potential usefulness is not clear.

[XQ] - Executable Command
The text of this message is a command to be executed by the display process, e.g., page, clear, etc.

The type tags can be used by the display process to channel the different messages to different parts of the operator display. Additional message classes will probably be created as we exercise the system and find the need for them.

When the display process receives an executable command ("[XQ]"), it should return a status message to the parser. For right now, use the old-style status message, "%STATUS error_number error_text". An error number of zero indicates no error.

Parser-Applications Interface

NASCOM Block Processing, Are You Awake?

The display process net_call()'s the parser server and the parser server must net_answer() Display's call. In a similar fashion, the parser server net_call()'s an application task and the application task must net_answer() Parser's call. As mentioned in the networking basics, the server programs (the parser and the application tasks) should be entered into the /etc/services files on the various machines.

To paraphrase an earlier example, the application tasks should answer as follows when the parser calls:

    char  *server_name = "NASCOM_slow_speed_interface" ;
    int  client_socket, server_socket = -1 ;

    if (net_answer (server_name, 99, &server_socket, &client_socket)) {
        vperror ("[%s] Error answering connection request.\n", argv[0]) ;

server_socket returns a socket for the application task's listening port; this socket will be used by net_answer() the next time you call it. client_socket returns a socket connection to a parser; this socket is used for exchanging messages between the parser and the application.

Is TPOCC a Tower of Babel?

Once I've got your ear, how can I make you understand what I'm saying? XDR ASCII strings, of course. To read a message from the parser:

    char  message[128] ;
    int  length ;

    length = sizeof message ;
    if (net_read_xdr_string (server_socket, message, &length)) {
        vperror ("[%s] Error reading message from parser.\n",
                 argv[0]) ;

    printf ("Message from Parser = %*s\n", length, message) ;

To write a message to the parser:

    char  *message = "DUMP CORE" ;

    if (net_write_xdr_string (server_socket, message, strlen (message))) {
        vperror ("[%s] Error writing message to parser.\n", argv[0]) ;

Once you've read a message from the parser, what do you do with it? There are number of ways of decoding a character string: sscanf(), strtok(), getword(), ... Ask Alex if you need help. If you have an aversion to character strings (known in the medical literature as gould-weenia), talk to me. I'd prefer not to get involved in discussions such as "The one millisecond it takes to scan a page command from the parser is severely impacting the two-minute time it takes my program to bring up a display page." We can at least negotiate, however.

What commands will Parser be sending your application? Don't ask me - tell me. What commands can your application send to the parser? Anything listed in the SRD STOL Appendix and anything you tell me you want to send. I need to hear from you what commands you need implemented in the parser.

Whenever an application program receives an executable command, it should return a status message to the parser. For right now, send "%STATUS error_number error_text". An error number of zero indicates no error.

To summarize, your application task should be capable of the following actions, in approximately this order:

  1. net_answer() connection requests directed to your server.
  2. net_read_xdr_string() a command from the parser.
  3. Process the command.
  4. net_write_xdr_string() a status message back to the parser.
  5. net_write_xdr_string() a command to the parser.
  6. net_read_xdr_string() a status message from the parser.
  7. shutdown() the listening port and parser connections.
  8. close() the listening port and parser connections.

Testing the Interface between Parser and Your Application

Running the parser and your program together is possible now, but not particularly useful. The parser can establish connections with other processes and transmit and receive messages, but you're probably better off using a utility program, TALKNET, at this time. TALKNET (see my memo on the TPOCC utilities) provides a terminal interface to the network and can function as either a client or a server. I use it as a server to test out parser. You'll most likely use TALKNET as a client:

                    (tty)               (network)
      Operator  <---------->  TALKNET  <---------->  Application

To run TALKNET, first start up your application. If you want to see debug from your program, you should run it in another window or on another terminal. If your program doesn't output anything, you can just run it in the background. Then, start up TALKNET:

    % talknet -xX  [host_name] server_name

If not specified, host_name defaults to the machine you're running on. TALKNET will connect to the server, tell you so, and then sit waiting for input from you at the keyboard or from your application via the network. Input from you is written out to the network; input from the network is written out to your screen. The little "x" option instructs TALKNET to dump the network input to your screen in parallel hexadecimal and ASCII formats. The big "X" option tells TALKNET to write your keyboard input out to the network as an XDR ASCII string. Type "control-C" to exit TALKNET.

VxWorks - A UNIX "Purr-Tender"

UNIX is a pretty complicated operating system, so it's understandable that Wind River's VxWorks falls a little bit short in the compatibility department. Thanks to Luan's valiant efforts, the net_util and net_xdr_util utilities have been ported to VxWorks. There are some differences between UNIX and VxWorks that you should be aware of, however.

select() under VxWorks does not have the full functionality of its UNIX cousin. Only the read bit mask is examined and waiting is implemented by periodic polling at a user-configurable rate. But select() should work well enough for any of the cases outlined in this memo.

Of more concern is the fact that VxWorks has no SIGIO signalling mechanism, so your options with regard to asynchronous I/O are rather limited. UNIX uses fcntl(2) to configure file descriptors for asynchronous I/O. There is no fcntl() in VxWorks and ioctl(2) does not have the needed capabilities.

Gordon has expressed some reservations about the need for VxWorks-resident applications to accept and service connections from multiple parsers. This might not be a major problem since the command controller parser will likely be the only parser talking to those applications.

In any case, Gordon suggested that there be a central "router" on the blue box that acts as the focal point of the communications between the parsers and the applications. A suitable moniker for this scheme would be "The Gordon Knot". [If you don't get it, the Gordian Knot refers to an ancient legend that said that anyone who could unravel Steve's spaghetti code would become the president (whether of ISI or of the USA nobody knows). Well, along comes Alexander the Great (no relation on either count), wielding a mighty VMS sword, and he made quick work of turning that dishevelled pasta into nicely- layered lasagna. The rest is history.]

Gordon's idea has a certain appeal and someone familiar with VxWorks ought to give some thought to it. While simple in concept, the "router" won't be a trivial program, as there must be some way of deciding which applications are to receive messages from which parser, and vice-versa.

Alex Measday  /  E-mail