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"As Good as it Gets" OCD Support Group

Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada

Updated 21-May-2011

The Saskatoon OCD Support Group has a web page for the Regina OCD Support Group that dates back to early 2001. The meeting dates are wrong, but the people to contact are correct. In June 2007, the group sent me up-to-date information on itself, which I'm posting here. I'm not associated with the support group (I live in the USA), so please don't E-mail me for directions to the meetings!

We are a Regina-based self-help, volunteer organization providing mutual support and education to individuals, family members and friends seeking assistance with personal and family management of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.

We invite you to join us and to bring a partner, family member or friend to share in learning about ways of managing OCD effectively. If you would like more details about our group call Judith (789-6830), Brian (545-0174), or Angela (525-4199). For information about specific guest sessions, please e-mail our Secretary at "leanne.toth AT accesscomm DOT ca" (replace "AT" by "@" and "DOT" by a period for the correct E-mail address).

Alex Measday  /  E-mail