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What Books I Read When

(Ordered by Year of Reading)

On this webpage, I've listed the books I've read by the year in which I read them. The list is generated automatically from my main page, "From Foreword to Afterword", on which the books are listed alphabetically by author.

1996   1997   1998   1999
2000   2001   2002   2003   2004
2005   2006   2007   2008   2009
2010   2011   2012   2013   2014
2015   2016   2017   2018   2019
2020   2021   2022   2023   2024

Cozy book scene


Eliot, George Middlemarch
Hardy, Thomas Tess of the d'Urbervilles
Crichton, Michael The Lost World
Eliot, George Silas Marner
McNamara, Robert In Retrospect: The Tragedy and Lessons of Vietnam
Powell, Colin My American Journey
Hugo, Victor The Hunchback of Notre-Dame
Eliot, George The Mill on the Floss
Armstrong, Karen A History of God: The 4,000-Year Quest of Judaism, Christianity and Islam
Conrad, Joseph Heart of Darkness
Conrad, Joseph The Secret Sharer
Sheehan, Thomas The First Coming: How the Kingdom of God Became Christianity
Coote, John O., ed. The Norton Book of the Sea
Eliot, George Daniel Deronda
Schwartz, Jeffrey M. Brain Lock
Urban, Linwood A Short History of Christian Thought
Gould, Stephen Jay Hen's Teeth and Horse's Toes
Dewdney, A. K. 200% of Nothing: An Eye-Opening Tour Through the Twists and Turns of Math Abuse and Innumeracy
Wilde, Oscar The Picture of Dorian Gray
Aldridge, Susan The Thread of Life: The Story of Genes and Genetic Engineering
Gabriel, Richard P. Patterns of Software: Tales from the Software Community
Eliot, George Adam Bede
Dennett, Daniel C. Darwin's Dangerous Idea: Evolution and the Meanings of Life
Davis, Michael and Clark, Hunter R. Thurgood Marshall: Warrior at the Bar, Rebel on the Bench
Sagan, Carl The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark


Armstrong, Karen Jerusalem: One City, Three Faiths
Eliot, George Felix Holt, The Radical
Trott, Peter "Programming Languages: Past, Present, and Future"
Penrose, Roger The Emperor's New Mind
Alighieri, Dante The Inferno of Dante: A New Verse Translation
Casti, John L. Would-Be Worlds: How Simulation is Changing the Frontiers of Science
Postgate, John Microbes and Man
Vermeij, Geerat J. Privileged Hands: A Scientific Life
Singer, Isaac Bashevis The Collected Stories of Isaac Bashevis Singer
Armstrong, Karen In the Beginning: A New Interpretation of Genesis
Dutta, Krishna and Robinson, Andrew Rabindranath Tagore: The Myriad-Minded Man
Baer, Lee Getting Control: Overcoming Your Obsessions and Compulsions
Malamud, Bernard A Malamud Reader
Dennett, Daniel C. Kinds of Minds: Toward an Understanding of Consciousness
Eliot, George Scenes of Clerical Life
Gould, Stephen Jay Questioning the Millennium: A Rationalist's Guide to a Precisely Arbitrary Countdown
Taylor, Ina A Woman of Contradictions: The Life of George Eliot
Nuland, Sherwin B. How We Die: Reflections on Life's Final Chapter
Eliot, George The Impressions of Theophrastus Such
Coles, Robert The Moral Intelligence of Children
Gould, Stephen Jay Full House: The Spread of Excellence from Plato to Darwin
Ellis, John M. Literature Lost: Social Agendas and the Corruption of the Humanities


Gomes, Peter J. The Good Book: Reading the Bible with Mind and Heart
MacDonald, George The Gifts of the Child Christ: Fairy Tales and Stories for the Childlike, Volume I
Borg, Marcus J. Meeting Jesus Again for the First Time: The Historical Jesus and the Heart of Contemporary Faith
Osborn, Ian Tormenting Thoughts and Secret Rituals: The Hidden Epidemic of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Beeching, Paul Q. Awkward Reverence: Reading the New Testament Today
Pipher, Mary The Shelter of Each Other: Rebuilding Our Families
Spong, John Shelby Liberating the Gospels: Reading the Bible with Jewish Eyes
Kinsley, Michael Big Babies: On Presidents, Politics, and National Crazes
Ellis, Joseph J. American Sphinx: The Character of Thomas Jefferson
Eusebius Church History
Chadwick, Henry The Early Church
Sobel, Dava Longitude: The True Story of a Lone Genius Who Solved the Greatest Scientific Problem of His Time
Sanders, E. P. The Historical Figure of Jesus
MacDonald, George The Gifts of the Child Christ: Fairy Tales and Stories for the Childlike, Volume II


Redinger, Ruby V. George Eliot: The Emergent Self
Oberman, Heiko A. Luther: Man Between God and the Devil
Christie, Agatha Endless Night
Innes, Hammond The Wreck of the Mary Deare
Boyer, Robert H. and Zahorski, Kenneth H., eds. Dark Imaginings: A Collection of Gothic Fantasy
Claiborne, Robert Saying What You Mean: A Commonsense Guide to American Usage
Urban, Linwood A Short History of Christian Thought
Greene, Hugh, ed. The American Rivals of Sherlock Holmes
Danby, Mary, ed. 65 Great Murder Mysteries
Ashley, Mike, ed. Historical Whodunits
Donald, David Herbert Lincoln
Rowen, Hobart Self-Inflicted Wounds: From LBJ's Guns and Butter to Reagan's Voodoo Economics
Nuland, Sherwin B. The Wisdom of the Body
Hall, Stephen S. Mapping the Next Millennium: How Computer-Driven Cartography is Revolutionizing the Face of Science
Fagan, Brian Time Detectives: How Archeologists Use Technology to Recapture the Past
Hillerman, Tony and Herbert, Rosemary, eds. The Oxford Book of American Detective Stories
Shryock, Richard H. Medicine and Society in America: 1660-1860
Crossan, John Dominic The Essential Jesus: Original Sayings and Earliest Images


Adams, Douglas The Ultimate Hitchhiker's Guide
Mortimer, John The Trials of Rumpole
Updike, John The Music School
Brontë, Charlotte Jane Eyre
Brontë, Emily Wuthering Heights
Wilson, A. N. God's Funeral: The Decline of Faith in Western Civilization
Dolnick, Edward Madness on the Couch: Blaming the Victim in the Heyday of Psychoanalysis
Wodehouse, P. G. P. G. Wodehouse: Five Complete Novels
Brown, William; Malveau, Raphael; McCormick III, Hays; and Mowbray, Thomas AntiPatterns: Refactoring Software, Architectures, and Projects in Crisis
Kernighan, Brian W. and Pike, Rob The Practice of Programming
Meyers, Scott Effective C++: 50 Specific Ways to Improve Your Programs and Designs (Second Edition)
Bishop, Martin J., ed. Guide to Human Genome Computing (Second Edition)
Wills, Christopher Exons, Introns, and Talking Genes
Cather, Willa Death Comes for the Archbishop
Owens, Lily, ed. The Complete Brothers Grimm Fairy Tales
Byatt, A. S., ed. The Oxford Book of English Short Stories
Tuchman, Barbara W. The First Salute
Innes, Michael The Paper Thunderbolt
McPhee, John The Deltoid Pumpkin Seed
Corballis, Michael C. The Lopsided Ape: Evolution of the Generative Mind


Nabokov, Vladimir Pnin
Silver, Robert B., ed. Hidden Histories of Science
Gulik, Robert Van, trans. Celebrated Cases of Judge Dee (Dee Goong An): An Authentic Eighteenth-Century Chinese Detective Novel
Chesterton, G. K. The Penguin Complete Father Brown
Krugman, Paul The Accidental Theorist: And Other Dispatches from the Dismal Science
Cavilli-Sforza, Luigi Luca Genes, Peoples, and Languages
Baer, Lee The Imp of the Mind: Exploring the Silent Epidemic of Obsessive Bad Thoughts
Armstrong, Karen The Battle for God
Dickens, Charles David Copperfield


Hall, James Norman The Far Lands
Dickens, Charles Great Expectations
Cox, Michael and Gilbert, R. A., eds. Victorian Ghost Stories: An Oxford Anthology
Bugliosi, Vincent The Betrayal of America: How the Supreme Court Undermined the Constitution and Chose Our President
Didion, Joan Political Fictions
Lang, Andrew, ed. The Crimson Fairy Book
Curtis, C. Michael, ed. God: Stories
Hardy, Thomas Life's Little Ironies
Burnett, Frances Hodgson Little Lord Fauntleroy
Burnett, Frances Hodgson A Little Princess; Being the Whole Story of Sara Crewe Now Told for the First Time
Bruder, Mary Newton Much Ado About a Lot: How to Mind Your Manners in Print and in Person
Fox, Michael J. Lucky Man: A Memoir
Wilensky, Amy S. Passing for Normal: A Memoir of Compulsion
Woolf, Virginia The Voyage Out
Pitt, William Rivers and Ritter, Scott War on Iraq: What Team Bush Doesn't Want You To Know
Miller, Mark Crispin The Bush Dyslexicon: Observations on a National Disorder
Lethem, Jonathan Motherless Brooklyn
Bulka, Dov and Mayhew, David Efficient C++: Performance Programming Techniques


Gould, Stephen Jay The Lying Stones of Marrakech: Penultimate Reflections in Natural History
Jones, Martin The Molecule Hunt: Archaeology and the Search for Ancient DNA
Wodehouse, P. G. Indiscretions of Archie
Wodehouse, P. G. Love Among the Chickens
Wodehouse, P. G. Psmith, Journalist
Wodehouse, P. G. A Damsel in Distress
Wodehouse, P. G. The Intrusion of Jimmy
Wodehouse, P. G. Piccadilly Jim
Wodehouse, P. G. Something New
Craik, Dinah Mulock John Halifax, Gentleman
Brontë, Anne Agnes Grey
Shermer, Michael Why People Believe Weird Things: Pseudoscience, Superstition, and Other Confusions of Our Time
Loewen, James W. Lies My Teacher Told Me: Everything Your American History Textbook Got Wrong
Franken, Al Rush Limbaugh Is a Big Fat Idiot and Other Observations


Curtis, Richard; Elton, Ben; and Lloyd, John Blackadder: The Whole Damn Dynasty
Hawkes, Jacquetta, ed. The World of the Past (Volumes 1 and 2)
Franken, Al Lies And the Lying Liars Who Tell Them: A Fair and Balanced Look at the Right
Moore, Michael Dude, Where's My Country?
Pagels, Elaine Beyond Belief: The Secret Gospel of Thomas
Ehrman, Bart D. Lost Christianities: The Battle for Scripture and the Faiths We Never Knew
Gallagher, Dan The Pleistocene Redemption
Wodehouse, P. G. My Man Jeeves
Wodehouse, P. G. Right Ho, Jeeves
Craik, Dinah Mulock Mistress and Maid
Haggard, H. Rider She
Haggard, H. Rider Doctor Therne


Burnett, Frances Hodgson T. Tembarom
Cholmondeley, Mary Diana Tempest
Mortimer, John Rumpole and the Penge Bungalow Murders
Craik, Dinah Mulock A Noble Life
Brebner, Percy James The Brown Mask
Walton, Amy Catherine Deck Saved at Sea: A Lighthouse Story
Walcott, Earle Ashley Blindfolded
Queux, William Le The Four Faces
Marriott, Christine A. Demons of the Mind: A Memoir of an Obsessive-Compulsive
Zola, Émile The Flood
Packard, Frank L. The White Moll
Carter, Nicholas The Crime of the French Café and Other Stories
Packard, Frank L. The Miracle Man
Chambers, Robert W. The Tracer of Lost Persons
Naylor, H. R. The Mystery of Monastery Farm
Wills, Garry Why I Am a Catholic
Tracy, Louis The Stowmarket Mystery
Moore, Frederick Ferdinand The Devil's Admiral
Green, Anna Katharine The Woman in the Alcove
James, Henry The Turn of the Screw
Morley, Christopher Parnassus on Wheels
Curwood, James Oliver The Golden Snare
Craik, Dinah Mulock Christian's Mistake
Alder, Ken The Measure Of All Things: The Seven-Year Odyssey and Hidden Error that Transformed the World
Diamond, Steven OCD: A Survival Guide for a Life Among Secrets
Black, Lewis Nothing's Sacred
Fletcher, Joseph S. The Talleyrand Maxim
Fletcher, Joseph S. The Middle Temple Murder
Fletcher, Joseph S. Scarhaven Keep
Fletcher, Joseph S. Dead Men's Money
Fletcher, Joseph S. The Middle of Things
Fletcher, Joseph S. The Rayner-Slade Amalgamation
Fletcher, Joseph S. The Orange-Yellow Diamond
Fletcher, Joseph S. The Paradise Mystery
Forster, E. M. A Room with a View
Steele, Chester K. The Diamond Cross Mystery
Steele, Chester K. The Mansion of Mystery
Falkner, John Meade The Lost Stradivarius
Falkner, John Meade Moonfleet
Janvier, Thomas A. In the Sargasso Sea
Forster, E. M. Where Angels Fear to Tread
Porter, Eleanor H. Pollyanna
Montgomery, Lucy Maud Anne of Green Gables
De Mille, James A Strange Manuscript Found in a Copper Cylinder
Dreiser, Theodore Sister Carrie
De Mille, James Cord and Creese
Austen, Jane Pride and Prejudice
Austen, Jane Sense and Sensibility
Forster, E. M. Howards End
Austen, Jane Emma
Hains, T. Jenkins Mr. Trunnell, Mate of the Ship "Pirate"
Yates, Dornford The Brother of Daphne


Hardy, Thomas Return of the Native
Hardy, Thomas The Woodlanders
Springer, Norman The Blood Ship
Ehrman, Bart D. Misquoting Jesus: The Story Behind Who Changed the Bible and Why
Hope, Anthony The Prisoner of Zenda
Vermes, Geza The Changing Faces of Jesus
Yates, Dornford Berry and Co.
Parrish, Randall Wolves of the Sea
Austen, Jane Mansfield Park
Kreisler, Fritz Four Weeks in the Trenches
Dwyer, James Francis The White Waterfall
Warden, Florence The Wharf by the Docks
Flaubert, Gustave Madame Bovary
Glanville, Ernest In Search of the Okapi
Goldsmith, Oliver The Vicar of Wakefield
Haggard, H. Rider Stella Fregelius
Buchan, John Midwinter
Böszörményi, László; Gutknecht, Jürg; and Pomberger, Gustav; eds. The School of Niklaus Wirth: The Art of Simplicity
Dana, Richard Henry Two Years Before the Mast
Poe, Edgar Allan Narrative of A. Gordon Pym
Abelson, Hal; Sussman, Jerry; and Sussman, Julie Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
Haggard, H. Rider King Solomon's Mines
Futrelle, Jacques The Diamond Master
Futrelle, Jacques Elusive Isabel
Baker, Dean The Conservative Nanny State: How the Wealthy Use the Government to Stay Rich and Get Richer
Read, Opie The Colossus
Oppenheim, E. Phillips The Great Impersonation
Oppenheim, E. Phillips Peter Ruff and the Double Four
Kafka, Franz Metamorphosis
Kester, Vaughan The Prodigal Judge
Kester, Vaughan The Just and the Unjust
Takeuchi, Akikazu Parallel Logic Programming
Jacobs, W. W. Lady of the Barge and Others
James, Henry Washington Square
Tracy, Louis The Wings of the Morning
Train, Arthur Cheney Tutt and Mr. Tutt
Scott, Leroy Children of the Whirlwind
Severy, Melvin Linwood The Darrow Enigma
Ruh, William A.; Herron, Thomas; and Klinker, Paul IIOP Complete: Understanding CORBA and Middleware Interoperability
Serviss, Garrett P. The Second Deluge
Shiel, M. P. The Purple Cloud
Lawson, Thomas W. Friday, the Thirteenth
Marquis, Don The Cruise of the Jasper B.
Crawford, F. Marion Doctor Claudius: A True Story
Lewis, Sinclair It Can't Happen Here
Wallis, Jim God's Politics: Why the Right Gets It Wrong and the Left Doesn't Get It
Crofts, Freeman Will The Pit Prop Syndicate
Doctorow, Cory Eastern Standard Tribe
Savage, Richard The Midnight Passenger
Clifford, Mary Louise and Clifford, J. Candace Women Who Kept the Lights: An Illustrated History of Female Lighthouse Keepers
Anstey, F. The Curse of the Catafalques
Anthony, Wilder When Super-Apes Plot
Aytoun, W. E. How We Got Up the Glenmutchkin Railway
Adams, Herbert The Chief Witness
Freeman, R. Austin Dr. Thorndyke Short Story Omnibus
Haggard, H. Rider Ayesha: The Return of She
Post, Melville Davisson Uncle Abner, Master of Mysteries
Adams, Herbert The Judas Kiss
Train, Arthur Cheney By Advice of Counsel
Tracy, Louis The Captain of the Kansas
Miller, Alice Duer The Burglar and the Blizzard: A Christmas Story
Hanshew, Thomas W. and Hanshew, Mary E. The Riddle of the Frozen Flame
Flint, Homer Eon and Hall, Austin The Blind Spot
Hawes, Charles Boardman The Mutineers
Ainsworth, William Harrison Old Saint Paul's: A Tale of the Plague and the Fire
Kramer, Peter D. Against Depression


Post, Melville Davisson The Sleuth of St. James's Square
Dreyfus, Suelette Underground
Dickens, Charles Bleak House
Ludlow, Fitz Hugh The Phial of Dread and Other Stories
Wodehouse, P. G. The Man Upstairs and Other Stories
Wodehouse, P. G. The Man with Two Left Feet and Other Stories
Forster, E. M. A Passage to India
Downey, James Communion of Dreams
Ullman, Jeffrey D. Elements of ML Programming, 2nd Edition
Sapolsky, Robert M. Monkeyluv: And Other Essays on Our Lives as Animals
Paulos, John Allen A Mathematician Plays the Stock Market
Isham, Frederic Stewart Half A Chance
Jepson, Edgar The Loudwater Mystery
Hilton, James Lost Horizon
Wolfe, Thomas Look Homeward, Angel
Pelc, Stephen Programming Forth
Various Stories by English Authors: The Sea
French, Joseph Lewis, ed. Great Sea Stories
Brodie, Leo Starting Forth
Macrone, Michael Eureka!: 81 Key Ideas Explained
Engle, Jerret, ed. The Wisdom of George Eliot
Various Stories by English Authors: Africa
DeMarco, Tom and Lister, Timothy Peopleware: Productive Projects and Teams
Parrish, Randall The Strange Case of Cavendish
Lamb, Charles and Lamb, Mary Tales from Shakespeare
Lang, Andrew The Mark of Cain
Kaplan, Michael and Kaplan, Ellen Chances Are ... Adventures in Probability
Craik, Dinah Mulock The Laurel Bush
Craik, Dinah Mulock A Life for a Life
Rose, Marshall T. The Simple Book: An Introduction to Internet Management, 2nd Edition
Gause, Donald C. and Weinberg, Gerald M. Exploring Requirements: Quality Before Design
Ballantyne, Tony Recursion
Essinger, James Jacquard's Web
Gurney, Alan Compass: A Story of Exploration and Innovation
Frederick, John Riders of the Silences
Harvey, Miles The Island of Lost Maps: A True Story of Cartographic Crime
Collingwood, Harry Overdue: The Story of a Missing Ship
Ball, Eustace Hale The Voice on the Wire
Hutcheson, John Conroy The Ghost Ship: A Mystery of the Sea
Ballantyne, R. M. The Floating Light of the Goodwin Sands
Martel, Yann Life of Pi
Defoe, Daniel Moll Flanders
Hardy, Thomas Jude the Obscure
Shorter, Edward and Healy, David Shock Therapy: A History of Electroconvulsive Treatment in Mental Illness
Jacobs, W. W. Salthaven
Wood, RH The Captains
Mortimer, John Rumpole Misbehaves


Knuth, Donald E. Things A Computer Scientist Rarely Talks About
Mondimore, Frank Mark, M.D. Depression, The Mood Disease (Third Edition)
Bullen, Frank T. The Cruise of the Cachalot Round the World After Sperm Whales
Milne, A. A. The Red House Mystery
Haggard, H. Rider Montezuma's Daughter
Crawford, F. Marion The Upper Berth
Bedford-Jones, H. (James O'Brien) Saint Michael's Gold
Haggard, H. Rider and Lang, Andrew The World's Desire
Chiles, Webb Shadows
Kirschner, Mark W. and Gerhart, John C. The Plausibility of Life: Resolving Darwin's Dilemma
Crilly, Tony 50 Mathematical Ideas You Really Need to Know


ARRL The ARRL Ham Radio Licence Manual: Level 1 Technician


Mortimer, John Rumpole and the Penge Bungalow Murders
Sapolsky, Robert M. Monkeyluv: And Other Essays on Our Lives as Animals
Wodehouse, P. G. P. G. Wodehouse: Five Complete Novels
Mlodinow, Leonard The Drunkard's Walk: How Randomness Rules Our Lives
Haggard, H. Rider When the World Shook
Marryat, Frederick The Phantom Ship
Milne, A. A. The Red House Mystery
Morrow, W. C. The Ape, the Idiot & Other People
Yates, Dornford Jonah and Co.
Nicoll, Maurice The Blue Germ
Pemberton, Max The Iron Pirate: A Plain Tale of Strange Happenings on the Sea
Green, Anna Katharine The Leavenworth Case
Raine, William MacLeod The Pirate of Panama: A Tale of the Fight for Buried Treasure
Sienkiewicz, Henryk Quo Vadis: A Narrative of the Time of Nero
Dumas père, Alexandre The Count of Monte Cristo
Henty, G. A. The Treasure of the Incas
Wallace, Edgar The Angel of Terror
Walsh, James Morgan The Lost Valley
Sapolsky, Robert M. The Trouble with Testosterone: And Other Essays on the Biology of the Human Predicament
Wallace, Lew Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ
Sacks, Oliver The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat: and Other Clinical Tales
Marriott-Watson, Henry Brereton Hurricane Island
Yates, Dornford Anthony Lyveden
Zola, Émile Doctor Pascal
Austen, Jane Persuasion
Brontë, Anne The Tenant of Wildfell Hall
Buchan, John Prester John
Burnett, Frances Hodgson A Lady of Quality
Caine, Hall The Deemster
Caine, Hall The Christian
Hume, Fergus The Mystery of a Hansom Cab
Pemberton, Max Aladdin of London
Pedler, Margaret The Lamp of Fate
Craik, Dinah Mulock Olive
Cholmondeley, Mary Red Pottage
Breverton, Terry Immortal Words: History's Most Memorable Quotations and the Stories Behind Them
Dickens, Charles The Old Curiosity Shop
Rossing, Barbara R. The Rapture Exposed: The Message of Hope in the Book of Revelation
Diffin, Charles Willard Two Thousand Miles Below
Wallace, Lew The Prince of India, or Why Constantinople Fell
Ariely, Dan Predictably Irrational: The Hidden Forces That Shape Our Decisions (Revised and Expanded)
Etheredge, Laura, ed. Islamic History
Thielen, David No Bugs!: Delivering Error-Free Code in C and C++
Armstrong, Karen Islam: A Short History
Krannich, Caryl and Krannich, Ron Nail the Job Interview: 101 Dynamic Answers to Interview Questions
Kador, John 201 Best Questions To Ask On Your Interview
Pullman, Philip The Good Man Jesus and the Scoundrel Christ
Peters, Ellis A Rare Benedictine
Peters, Ellis A Morbid Taste for Bones
Peters, Ellis One Corpse Too Many
Peters, Ellis Monk's Hood
Peters, Ellis Saint Peter's Fair
Peters, Ellis The Leper of Saint Giles
Peters, Ellis The Virgin in the Ice
Peters, Ellis The Sanctuary Sparrow
Peters, Ellis The Devil's Novice
Peters, Ellis Dead Man's Ransom
Peters, Ellis The Pilgrim of Hate
Peters, Ellis An Excellent Mystery
Peters, Ellis The Raven in the Foregate
Peters, Ellis The Rose Rent
Peters, Ellis The Hermit of Eyton Forest
Peters, Ellis The Confession of Brother Haluin
Peters, Ellis The Heretic's Apprentice
Peters, Ellis The Potter's Field
Peters, Ellis The Summer of the Danes
Peters, Ellis The Holy Thief
Peters, Ellis Brother Cadfael's Penance
Stewart, Ian and Cohen, Jack Figments of Reality: The Evolution of the Curious Mind
Craske, Darren The Equivoque Principle
Craske, Darren The Eleventh Plague


Williams, Tony The Pox and the Covenant: Mather, Franklin, and the Epidemic That Changed America's Destiny
Lloyd, Seth Programming the Universe: A Quantum Computer Scientist Takes On the Cosmos
Boothby, Guy Newell Pharos, The Egyptian
Livingston, Armstrong The Monk of Hambleton
Mlodinow, Leonard Euclid's Window: The Story of Geometry from Parallel Lines to Hyperspace
Janvier, Thomas A. The Aztec Treasure-House
Conrad, Joseph The Nigger of the Narcissus
MacCulloch, Diarmaid Reformation: Europe's House Divided 1490 - 1700
Dartnell, Lewis. Life in the Universe: A Beginner's Guide
Heinlein, Robert A. Job: A Comedy of Justice
Winchester, Simon The Map That Changed the World: William Smith and the Birth of Modern Geology
Maddock, Larry Unaccustomed as I Am to Public Dying & Other Humorous and Ironic Mystery Stories
McIntosh, Pat The Harper's Quine: A Gil Cunningham Murder Mystery
Meissner, Rolf The Little Book of Planet Earth
Sapolsky, Robert M. Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers: The Acclaimed Guide to Stress, Stress-Related Diseases, and Coping
Bell, Rob Love Wins: A Book About Heaven, Hell, and the Fate of Every Person Who Ever Lived
Ehrman, Bart D. God's Problem: How the Bible Fails to Answer Our Most Important Question—Why We Suffer
Long, Timothy W. The Zombie Wilson Diaries
Abdel-Haleem, Muhammad Understanding the Qur'an: Themes and Styles
Gater, Will The Cosmic Keyhole: How Astronomy is Unlocking the Secrets of the Universe
Poundstone, William How Would You Move Mount Fuji? Microsoft's Cult of the Puzzle: How the World's Smartest Companies Select the Most Creative Thinkers
Switek, Brian Written in Stone: Evolution, the Fossil Record, and Our Place in Nature
Truss, Lynne Eats, Shoots & Leaves: The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation
Sterelny, Kim Dawkins vs. Gould: Survival of the Fittest
Lipovača, Miran Learn You a Haskell for Great Good! A Beginner's Guide
Lovecraft, H. P. At the Mountains of Madness
Peterson, Ivars The Jungles of Randomness: A Mathematical Safari
Zimmer, Carl A Planet of Viruses
Stewart, Ian The Mathematics of Life
Meyer, Charles F. Introducing English Linguistics
Repcheck, Jack. The Man Who Found Time: James Hutton and the Discovery of the Earth's Antiquity
Miller, Anthony What Would Satan Do?
Sayers, Dorothy L. The Five Red Herrings
Diamond, Jared Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies
Janson, Tore Speak: A Short History of Languages
Dickens, Charles Nicholas Nickleby
Scott, Sir Walter Ivanhoe
Diamond, Jared Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed
Davies, Paul The Eerie Silence: Are We Alone in the Universe?


Dickens, Charles Little Dorrit
Haverbeke, Marijn Eloquent JavaScript: A Modern Introduction to Programming
McGrayne, Sharon Bertsch The Theory That Would Not Die: How Bayes' Rule Cracked the Enigma Code, Hunted Down Russian Submarines, and Emerged Triumphant from Two Centuries of Controversy
Levy, Buddy River of Darkness: Francisco Orellana's Legendary Voyage of Death and Discovery Down the Amazon
Saracci, Rodolfo Epidemiology: A Very Short Introduction
Lynas, Mark The God Species: Saving the Planet in the Age of Humans
Harrison, K. David The Last Speakers: The Quest to Save the World's Most Endangered Languages
Gaskell, Elizabeth Mary Barton: A Tale of Manchester Life
Johnson, Steven The Ghost Map: The Story of London's Most Terrifying Epidemic—and How It Changed Science, Cities, and the Modern World
Gaskell, Elizabeth The Grey Woman and Other Tales
Gaskell, Elizabeth Ruth
Melville, Herman Moby-Dick
Atwood, Margaret The Handmaid's Tale
Gaskell, Elizabeth North and South
James, P. D. Death Comes to Pemberley
Cox, Brian and Forshaw, Jeff Why Does E=mc² (And Why Should We Care?)
Dickens, Charles Dombey and Son
Seltzer, Thomas, ed. Best Russian Short Stories
Gaskell, Elizabeth Sylvia's Lovers
Dostoyevsky, Fyodor The Idiot
Jones, Tony The New Christians: Dispatches from the Emergent Frontier
Gaskell, Elizabeth Round the Sofa
Rutherfurd, Edward London
Dickens, Charles Oliver Twist
Dickens, Charles A Christmas Carol
Gaskell, Elizabeth Wives and Daughters


Diamond, Jared The Third Chimpanzee: The Evolution and Future of the Human Animal
Bellos, David Is That a Fish in Your Ear? Translation and the Meaning of Everything
Mullis, Darrell and Orloff, Judith The Accounting Game: Basic Accounting Fresh from the Lemonade Stand
Cagan, Michele The Everything Accounting Book
Lambert, Richard A. Financial Literacy for Managers: Finance and Accounting for Better Decision-Making
Dickinson, Markus; Brew, Chris; and Meurers, Detmar Language and Computers
Halpern, Paul Edge of the Universe: A Voyage to the Cosmic Horizon and Beyond
Mann, Michael E. The Hockey Stick and the Climate Wars: Dispatches from the Front Lines
Gaskell, Elizabeth Cranford
Gaskell, Elizabeth Cousin Phillis
Gilson, Charles Treasure of Kings
Roberts, Theodore Goodridge The Harbor Master
Gaskell, Elizabeth The Moorland Cottage
Gilovich, Thomas How We Know What Isn't So: The Fallibility of Human Reason in Everyday Life
Davis, Rebecca Harding Life in the Iron-Mills
Segrè, Gino A Matter of Degrees: What Temperature Reveals About the Past and Future of Our Species, Planet and Universe
Conrad, Joseph Lord Jim
Stevenson, Robert Louis Kidnapped
Stout, Rex Under the Andes
Thackeray, William Makepeace Vanity Fair
Clegg, Brian Dice World: Science and Life in a Random Universe
Fielding, Henry History of Tom Jones, a Foundling
Farmer, Paul Infections and Inequalities: The Modern Plagues, Updated with a New Preface
Goldberg, Dave The Universe in the Rearview Mirror: How Hidden Symmetries Shape Reality
Galsworthy, John The Forsyste Saga
Miller, Steve The Chemical Cosmos: A Guided Tour
Mármol, José Amalia: A Romance of the Argentine
Aubrey, Frank The Devil-Tree of El Dorado
Ashmore, Annie Faithful Margaret
Dickens, Charles Our Mutual Friend
Hemming, John Tree of Rivers: The Story of the Amazon
Krauss, Lawrence M. A Universe from Nothing: Why There is Something Rather than Nothing
Gissing, George The Odd Women
Steinhardt, Paul J. and Turok, Neil Endless Universe: Beyond the Big Bang
Conrad, Joseph Nostromo: A Tale of the Seaboard
Villiers, Marq de Windswept: The Story of Wind and Weather
Meredith, Martin Born in Africa: The Quest for the Origins of Human Life
Wallace, Scott The Unconquered: In Search of the Amazon's Last Uncontacted Tribes
Cullen, Heidi The Weather of the Future: Heat Waves, Extreme Storms, and Other Scenes from a Climate-Changed Planet


Kipling, Rudyard Kim
Edgeworth, Maria Helen
Moalem, Sharon and Prince, Jonathan Survival of the Sickest: A Medical Maverick Discovers Why We Need Disease
LeVay, Simon When Science Goes Wrong: Twelve Tales from the Dark Side of Discovery
Brontë, Charlotte Shirley
Montgomery, David R. Dirt: The Erosion of Civilizations
Wheelan, Charles Naked Statistics: Stripping the Dread from the Data
Wallace, Lew The Fair God; or, The Last of the 'Tzins: A Tale of the Conquest of Mexico
Quammen, David Spillover: Animal Infections and the Next Human Pandemic
Yonge, Charlotte M. The Heir of Redclyffe
Carroll, Sean B. Endless Forms Most Beautiful: The New Science of Evo Devo
Packard, Frank L. The Red Ledger
Webb, Jeremy, ed. Nothing: From Absolute Zero to Cosmic Oblivion—Amazing Insights into Nothingness
Tey, Josephine The Daughter of Time
Corballis, Michael C. The Recursive Mind: The Origins of Human Language, Thought, and Civilization
Brontë, Charlotte Villette
Pääbo, Svante Neanderthal Man: In Search of Lost Genomes
Fletcher, Joseph S. The Charing Cross Mystery
Pagels, Elaine Revelations: Visions, Prophecy, and Politics in the Book of Revelation
Kavanagh, Julia Rachel Gray: A Tale Founded on Fact
Brown, Stephen R. Scurvy: How a Surgeon, a Mariner, and a Gentlemen Solved the Greatest Medical Mystery of the Age of Sail
Smollett, Tobias The Adventures of Roderick Random
Quammen, David The Song of the Dodo: Island Biogeography in an Age of Extinction
Burney, Fanny Camilla, or A Picture of Youth
Schama, Simon The Story of the Jews: Finding the Words 1000 BC - 1492 AD
Burney, Fanny Cecilia, or Memoirs of an Heiress
Mann, Charles C. 1491: New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus
Mann, Charles C. 1493: Uncovering the New World Columbus Created
Braddon, Mary E. Lady Audley's Secret
Du Maurier, Daphne Rebecca
Davis, Mike Late Victorian Holocausts: El Niño Famines and the Making of the Third World
Wharton, Edith Ethan Frome
Haggard, H. Rider Mr. Meeson's Will
Fernández-Armesto, Felipe 1492: The Year the World Began
Cummins, Maria S. The Lamplighter
Carroll, Sean B. Remarkable Creatures: Epic Adventures in the Search for the Origins of Species
McCullough, David The Path Between the Seas: The Creation of the Panama Canal, 1870-1914
Le Guin, Ursula K. Lavinia
Fagan, Brian The Little Ice Age: How Climate Made History 1300-1850
Hawthorne, Nathaniel The Scarlet Letter
Jacobs, Harriet A. Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl, Written by Herself
Zola, Émile Thérèse Raquin
Jeal, Tim Explorers of the Nile: The Triumph and Tragedy of a Great Victorian Adventure
Ellenberg, Jordan. How Not to Be Wrong: The Power of Mathematical Thinking
Bennett, Arnold Riceyman Steps
Turner, Gillian North Pole, South Pole: The Epic Quest to Solve the Great Mystery of Earth's Magnetism
Yonge, Charlotte M. The Clever Woman of the Family
Dumas père, Alexandre The Black Tulip
Verne, Jules An Antarctic Mystery
National Geographic Magazine Special Series 2011 7 Billion: How Your World Will Change
Orczy, Baroness Emmuska Marivosa
Berman, Bob Zoom: How Everything Moves, from Atoms and Galaxies to Blizzards and Bees
Sapolsky, Robert M. A Primate's Memoir: A Neuroscientist's Unconventional Life Among the Baboons
Nesbit, Edith The Incredible Honeymoon
Hitchings, Henry The Language Wars: A History of Proper English
Skloot, Rebecca The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks
Fairbanks, Daniel J. Relics of Eden: The Powerful Evidence of Evolution in Human DNA
Melville, Herman Benito Cereno
Rose, Sarah For All the Tea in China: Espionage, Empire and the Secret Formula for the World's Favourite Drink
Hardy, Thomas Desperate Remedies
Varley, John Tango Charlie and Foxtrot Romeo
Viswanath, Rupa The Pariah Problem: Caste, Religion, and the Social in Modern India
Hersey, John A Bell for Adano
Varley, John Mammoth
Rosolie, Paul Mother of God: An Extraordinary Journey into the Uncharted Tributaries of the Western Amazon
Haggard, H. Rider The People of the Mist
Hugo, Victor Toilers of the Sea
Gould, Stephen Jay Wonderful Life: The Burgess Shale and the Nature of History
Hornung, E. W. Dead Men Tell No Tales
London, Jack The Sea-Wolf
Barclay, Florence L. The Rosary
Bouachrine, Ibtissam Women and Islam: Myths, Apologies, and the Limits of Feminist Critique
Quammen, David Natural Acts: A Sidelong View of Science and Nature
Jackson, Shirley We Have Always Lived in the Castle
MacCulloch, Diarmaid Silence: A Christian History
Malamud, Bernard The Fixer
Longyard, William A Speck on the Sea: Epic Voyages in the Most Improbable Vessels
Xiaoting, Guo Adventures of the Mad Monk Ji Gong: The Drunken Wisdom of China's Most Famous Chan Buddhist Monk
Rubinstein, Ariel Economic Fables
Doerr, Anthony All the Light We Cannot See
Wagner, Andreas Arrival of the Fittest: Solving Evolution's Greatest Puzzle
Taylor, Alan The Internal Enemy: Slavery and War in Virginia, 1772-1832
Hamlin, Christopher Cholera: The Biography
Burnett, Frances Hodgson The Secret Garden
Gorky, Maxim Mother
Larrimore, Mark The Book of Job: A Biography
Dumas fils, Alexandre The Lady of the Camellias
Nabokov, Vladimir Lolita
Nafisi, Azar Reading Lolita in Tehran: A Memoir in Books
Norbu, Jamyang The Mandala of Sherlock Holmes
Wallach, Theresa The Rugged Road
Hochschild, Adam King Leopold's Ghost: A Story of Greed, Terror, and Heroism in Colonial Africa
Sandel, Michael J. What Money Can't Buy: The Moral Limits of Markets
Leon, Sharon M. An Image of God: The Catholic Struggle with Eugenics
Jackson, Lee Dirty Old London: The Victorian Fight Against Filth
Connerney, Richard The Upside-Down Tree: India's Changing Culture


Dickens, Charles Hard Times
Hutchinson, Robert The Spanish Armada
Mikszáth, Kálmán St. Peter's Umbrella
Albanov, Valerian In the Land of White Death
Shaw, Scott Richard Planet of the Bugs: Evolution and the Rise of Insects
Miller, Walter M., Jr. A Canticle for Leibowitz
Officer, Charles and Page, Jake A Fabulous Kingdom: The Exploration of the Arctic
Wilson, David Sloan Does Altruism Exist? Culture, Genes, and the Welfare of Others
Maslakovic, Neve Regarding Ducks and Universes
Jefferson, Sam Clipper Ships and the Golden Age of Sail: Races and Rivalries on the Nineteenth Century High Seas
Bennett, Arnold The Old Wives' Tale
Scoville, Samuel, Jr. The Inca Emerald
Tetro, Jason The Germ Code: How to Stop Worrying and Love the Microbes
Parenti, Christian Tropic of Chaos: Climate Change and the New Geography of Violence
Jenkins, Philip The Lost History of Christianity: The Thousand-Year Golden Age of the Church in the Middle East, Africa and Asia—and How It Died
Wells, Spencer Pandora's Seed: The Unforeseen Cost of Civilization
Wilder, Thornton The Bridge of San Luis Rey
Wiggin, Kate Douglas Smith Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm
Aslan, Reza Zealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth
Fleming, May Agnes Magdalen's Vow
Arnold, Catharine Necropolis: London and its Dead
Bulwer-Lytton, Edward Paul Clifford
Joyce, James Dubliners
O'Malley, John W., S.J. The Jesuits: A History from Ignatius to the Present
McCurry, Stephanie Confederate Reckoning: Power and Politics in the Civil War
Kipling, Rudyard Captains Courageous
Gaskell, Elizabeth A Dark Night's Work
Chekhov, Anton The Bishop and Other Stories
Weisberg, Herbert I. Willful Ignorance: The Mismeasure of Uncertainty
Scott, Sir Walter Old Mortality
Oliphant, Margaret Hester
Woods, Margaret L. The Invader
Garrett, Laurie Betrayal of Trust: The Collapse of Global Public Health
Stretton, Hesba The Doctor's Dilemma
Cholmondeley, Mary The Danvers Jewels and Sir Charles Danvers
Steinbeck, John The Grapes of Wrath
Ashley, Mike, ed. Steampunk Prime: A Vintage Steampunk Reader
Russell, Gerard Heirs to Forgotten Kingdoms: Journeys Into the Disappearing Religions of the Middle East
Priestley, J.B. The Good Companions
Hardy, Thomas A Pair of Blue Eyes
Farjeon, J. Jefferson Mystery in White: A Christmas Crime Story
Manguel, Alberto Homer's The Iliad and The Odyssey: A Biography
Atwood, Margaret The Penelopiad
Stocton, Frank R. The Adventures of Captain Horn
Pye, Michael The Edge of the World: How the North Sea Made Us Who We Are
Du Maurier, Daphne My Cousin Rachel
Pain, Barry The Exiles of Faloo
Blackwood, Algernon Incredible Adventures
Peters, Ellis The Heretic's Apprentice
Walpole, Horace The Castle of Otranto
Hanshew, Thomas W. Cleek: The Man of the Forty Faces
Cresswell, Tim Geographic Thought: A Critical Introduction
Du Maurier, Daphne Jamaica Inn
Finn, Ed, ed. and Cramer, Kathryn, ed. Hieroglyph: Stories and Visions for a Better Future
Heyse, Paul At the Ghost Hour: The House of the Unbelieving Thomas
Austen, Jane Mansfield Park
Du Maurier, Daphne Don't Look Now and Other Stories
Du Maurier, Daphne The Scapegoat
Madrick, Jeff Seven Bad Ideas: How Mainstream Economists Have Damaged America and the World
Eliot, George Silas Marner
Millhiser, Ian Injustices: The Supreme Court's History of Comforting the Comfortable and Afflicting the Afflicted
Du Maurier, Daphne The House on the Strand
Picard, Liza Dr. Johnson's London: Coffee-Houses and Climbing Boys, Medicine, Toothpaste and Gin, Poverty and Press-Gangs, Freakshows and Female Education
Underhill, Edward Fitch and Thomson, Mortimer Q. The History and Records of the Elephant Club
Ingram, Eleanor M. The Thing from the Lake
Ingelow, Jean Fated to Be Free
Spence, Jonathan D. God's Chinese Son: The Taiping Heavenly Kingdom of Hong Xiuquan
Griffiths, Arthur The Passenger from Calais
Griswold, Latta The Inn at the Red Oak
James, P. D. Original Sin
Braddon, Mary E. Thou Art The Man
Braddon, Mary E. Henry Dunbar
Read, Sara Maids, Wives, Widows: Exploring Early Modern Women's Lives 1540-1714
Defoe, Daniel Roxana: The Fortunate Mistress
Voltaire Candide, ou l'Optimisme
Brown, Charles Brockden Arthur Mervyn; Or, Memoirs of the Year 1793
Brighouse, Harold The Marbeck Inn
Atwood, Margaret The Heart Goes Last
Braddon, Mary E. Birds of Prey
Braddon, Mary E. Charlotte's Inheritance
Lofts, Norah A Wayside Tavern
Russell, William Clark Abandoned
James, Henry The Wings of the Dove
Fenn, George Manville The Dark House
Kipling, Rudyard The Man Who Would be King
Conrad, Joseph Typhoon
Brighouse, Harold Hobson's Choice
Manzoni, Alessandro The Betrothed
Lim, Timothy The Dead Sea Scrolls: A Very Short Introduction
Briggs, Olive M. The Black Cross
Russell, William Howard The Atlantic Telegraph
Radzivilovsky, Pavel; Galka, Yakov; and Novgorodov, Slava UTF-8 Everywhere: A Manifesto
Braddon, Mary E. Wyllard's Weird
Hawthorne, Nathaniel The House of the Seven Gables
Braddon, Mary E. Run to Earth
Braddon, Mary E. Phantom Fortune


Vokach, Douglas A., ed. Archaeology, Anthropology, and Interstellar Communication
Lewis, Sinclair Elmer Gantry
Hardy, Thomas Far from the Madding Crowd
London, Jack The Mutiny of the Elsinore
Allsup, Michael The Upside of Rock n' Roll
Paulos, John Allen A Numerate Life: A Mathematician Explores the Vagarities of Life, His Own and Probably Yours
Moore, George Esther Waters
Tolstoy, Leo What Men Live By, and Other Tales
Levenson, Thomas The Hunt for Vulcan: ...And How Albert Einstein Destroyed a Planet, Discovered Relativity, and Deciphered the Universe
Gaboriau, Émile Monsieur Lecoq
Perlin, John A Forest Journey: The Story of Wood and Civilization
Austen, Jane Sense and Sensibility
Fox, Justin The Myth of the Rational Market: A History of Risk, Reward, and Delusion on Wall Street
Austen, Jane Pride and Prejudice
Wright, Ronald A Short History of Progress
Gardam, Jane Old Filth
Clark, Fred Long March of the Koalas: And Other Creationist Adventures
Zimmer, Carl Parasite Rex: Inside the Bizarre World of Nature's Most Dangerous Creatures
Wallace, Edgar The Daffodil Mystery
Niederman, Derrick and Boyum, David What the Numbers Say: A Field Guide to Mastering Our Numerical World
McWhorter, John Our Magnificent Bastard Tongue: The Untold Story of English
Spong, John Shelby Biblical Literalism: A Gentile Heresy
Ishiguro, Kazuo The Remains of the Day
Hamilton, Edmond The Sargasso of Space
Haggard, H. Rider Heart of the World
Bennett, Arnold Anna of the Five Towns
Braddon, Mary E. Ralph the Bailiff and Other Tales
Shapiro, Beth How to Clone a Mammoth: The Science of De-Extinction
Sandel, Michael J. What Money Can't Buy: The Moral Limits of Markets
Trollope, Anthony The Way We Live Now
Balcombe, Jonathan What a Fish Knows: The Inner Lives of Our Underwater Cousins
Borges, Jorge Luis "The Library of Babel"
Greene, Graham Monsignor Quixote
Carroll, Sean B. The Making of the Fittest: DNA and the Ultimate Forensic Record of Evolution
Balzac, Honoré de Father Goriot
Zola, Émile Germinal
Carlsen, William Jungle of Stone: The True Story of Two Men, Their Extraordinary Journey, and the Discovery of the Lost Civilization of the Maya
O'Neil, Cathy Weapons of Math Destruction: How Big Data Increases Inequality and Threatens Democracy
Shawl, Nisi Everfair
Olen, Helaine Pound Foolish: Exposing the Dark Side of the Personal Finance Industry
Dobbs, David Reef Madness: Charles Darwin, Alexander Agassiz, and the Meaning of Coral
Yong, Ed I Contain Multitudes: The Microbes Within Us and a Grander View of Life
De Morgan, William Somehow Good
Various Delphi Christmas Collection, Volume I
Various Delphi Christmas Collection, Volume II
Various Delphi Christmas Collection, Volume III
De Mille, James The Living Link
Comins, Neil F. Heavenly Errors: Misconceptions About the Real Nature of the Universe


Burnett, Frances Hodgson Emily Fox-Seton
Scott, Sir Walter The Heart of Midlothian
Lewis, John Across That Bridge: Life Lessons and a Vision for Change
Leston, Daniel The Genghis Tomb
Ziegler, Edith M. Harlots, Hussies, and Poor Unfortunate Women: Crime, Transportation, and the Servitude of Female Convicts, 1718-1783
Drake, Nick Nefertiti: The Book of the Dead
Freedman, Harry The Murderous History of Bible Translations: Power, Conflict and the Quest for Meaning
Drake, Nick Tutankhamun: The Book of Shadows
Drake, Nick Egypt: The Book of Chaos
Dibley, Christine To the Sea
Stableford, Brian, ed. Scientific Romance: An International Anthology of Pioneering Science Fiction
Goldstone, Lawrence and Goldstone, Nancy The Friar and the Cipher: Roger Bacon and the Unsolved Mystery of the Most Unusual Manuscript in the World
Taylor, Andrew Ashes of London
Taylor, Andrew The World of Gerard Mercator: The Mapmaker Who Revolutionised Geography
Sayers, Dorothy L. Whose Body?
Arbesman, Samuel The Half-Life of Facts: Why Everything We Know Has an Expiration Date
Defoe, Daniel The Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe
Defoe, Daniel The Further Adventures of Robinson Crusoe
Holland, Nick In Search of Anne Brontë
Marsh, David For Who the Bell Tolls: One Man's Quest for Grammatical Perfection
Kehlmann, Daniel and Janeway, Carol Brown (trans.) Measuring the World
Ekirch, A. Roger At Day's Close: Night in Times Past
Pulley, Natasha The Bedlam Stacks
Rutherford, Adam A Brief History of Everyone Who Ever Lived: The Stories in Our Genes
London, Jack The Call of the Wild
London, Jack White Fang
Sykes, S. D. Plague Land
Leavitt, Thad. H.W. Kaffir, Kangaroo, Klondike: Tales of the Gold Fields
Curwood, James Oliver The Golden Snare
White, Jerry Mansions of Misery: A Biography of the Marshalsea Debtors' Prison
Cullem, Ridgwell The Hound From the North
Davis, Richard Harding In the Fog
Braddon, Mary E. The Captain of the Vulture
Braddon, Mary E. Fenton's Quest


Wildside Press The Mummy MEGAPACK™
Allingham, Margery The Allingham Case-Book
Verne, Jules The Survivors of the Chancellor
Verne, Jules Eight Hundred Leagues on the Amazon
Dick, Philip K. "The Minority Report"
Willis, Connie "I Met a Traveller in an Antique Land"
Richards, Stephen P. A Number for Your Thoughts: Facts and Speculations about Numbers from Euclid to the Latest Computers
Katsoulis, Gregory Scott All Rights Reserved
Clegg, Brian Final Frontier: The Pioneering Science and Technology of Exploring the Universe
Nolan, William F. and Johnson, George Clayton Logan's Run
Kean, Sam Caesar's Last Breath: Decoding the Secrets of the Air Around Us
Kakaes, Konstantin The Pioneer Detectives: Did a Distant Spacecraft Prove Einstein and Newton Wrong?
Brown, Mike How I Killed Pluto (and Why It Had It Coming)
Muller, Jerry Z. The Tyranny of Metrics
Angus, Colin with Mulgrew, Ian Amazon Extreme: Three Ordinary Guys, One Rubber Raft and the Most Dangerous River on Earth
Tabor, James M. Blind Descent: The Quest to Discover the Deepest Cave on Earth
Stolzenburg, William Rat Island: Predators in Paradise and the World's Greatest Wildlife Rescue
Rockström, Johan and Klum, Mattias Big World, Small Planet: Abundance within Planetary Boundaries


Jones, Derek M. The New C Standard: An Economic and Cultural Commentary
Fforde, Jasper The Eyre Affair
Wasserman, Jamie Blood and Sunlight: A Maryland Vampire Story (Book 1, Maryland Vampire Series 2)
Zuk, Marlene Paleofantasy: What Evolution Really Tells Us About Sex, Diet, and How We Live


Fox, Margalit The Riddle of the Labyrinth: The Quest to Crack an Ancient Code
Hanff, Helene 84, Charing Cross Road
Tabor, James M. Lethal Expedition
Robertson, Morgan Where Angels Fear to Tread and Other Stories of the Sea
Robertson, Morgan The Grain Ship
The Wreck of the Titan or, Futility
Du Maurier, Daphne The Scapegoat
Innes, Hammond The White South
Quammen, David Monster of God: The Man-Eating Predator in the Jungles of History and the Mind
Verne, Jules Eight Hundred Leagues on the Amazon
Katsoulis, Gregory Scott All Rights Reserved
Fforde, Jasper The Eyre Affair
Heinlein, Robert A. Starship Troopers
Tey, Josephine Brat Farrar
Rich, Roberta The Midwife of Venice
Rich, Roberta The Harem Midwife
Rich, Roberta A Trial in Venice
Cooper, James Fenimore The Crater; Or, Vulcan's Peak: A Tale of the Pacific
Rowson, Susanna Charlotte Temple
Hahn, Mary Downing Stepping on the Cracks
Thurston, I.T. (Ida Treadwell) The Bishop's Shadow
Smyth, Clifford The Gilded Man: A Romance of the Andes
Ballantyne, R. M. The Battery and the Boiler: Adventures in Laying of Submarine Electric Cables
Braddon, Mary E. John Marchmont's Legacy
Bennett, Arnold Clayhanger (Clayhanger Family Trilogy, Volume 1)
Bennett, Arnold Hilda Lessways (Clayhanger Family Trilogy, Volume 2)
Brame, Charlotte M. The Tragedy of the Chain Pier
Bennett, Arnold These Twain (Clayhanger Family Trilogy, Volume 3)
Brame, Charlotte M. Dora Thorne
Priestley, J.B. Benighted
Braddon, Mary E. Thou Art The Man
Tabor, James M. The Deep Zone
Tabor, James M. Frozen Solid
Braddon, Mary E. Three Times Dead!!! Or, The Secret of the Heath
Priestley, J.B. Saturn Over the Water
Kavanagh, Julia Rachel Gray: A Tale Founded on Fact
Freeman, Steven F. Supertide
Krugman, Paul Arguing with Zombies: Economics, Politics, and the Fight for a Better Future
Leverage, Henry The Ice Pilot
Laurie, André and Verne, Jules The Waif of the "Cynthia"
Power, Edward Dragons in the Snow: Avalanche Detectives and the Race to Beat Death in the Mountains
Braddon, Mary E. Aurora Floyd
Wallis, Arthur Frederick Idonia: A Romance of Old London
Beck, Greig Primordia: In Search of the Lost World
Beck, Greig Primordia II: Return to the Lost World
Beck, Greig Primordia III: The Lost World - ReEvolution


Bergreen, Laurence Over the Edge of the World: Magellan's Terrifying Circumnavigation of the Globe
Taleb, Nassim Nicholas Fooled by Randomness: The Hidden Role of Chance in Life and in the Markets
Braddon, Mary E. Flower and Weed, and Other Tales
Kolbert, Elizabeth The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History
Kolbert, Elizabeth Under a White Sky: The Nature of the Future


Broussard, Meredith Unartificial Intelligence: How Computers Misunderstand the World
Zimmer, Carl Life's Edge: The Search for What It Means to Be Alive
Beckmann, Petr A History of Pi (π)
Verne, Jules The Child of the Cavern
Beard, Mary Confronting the Classics: Traditions, Adventures and Innovations
Tabor, James M. Forever on the Mountain: The Truth Behind One of Mountaineering's Most Controversial and Mysterious Disasters
Braddon, Mary E. All Along the River
Levinson, Marc Outside the Box: How Globalization Changed from Moving Stuff to Spreading Ideas
Buzwell, Greg, ed. The Face in the Glass: The Gothic Tales of Mary Elizabeth Braddon
Beerling, David The Emerald Planet: How Plants Changed Earth's History
Brown, Charles Brockden Ormond; Or, The Secret Witness
Bennett, Arnold The Card, a Story of Adventure in the Five Towns
Pierce, Charles P. Idiot America: How Stupidity Became a Virtue in the Land of the Free
Yates, Dornford Shoal Water
Barrow, John D. The Constants of Nature: From Alpha to Omega - The Numbers that Encode the Deepest Secrets of the Universe
Fletcher, Joseph S. Sea Fog
Whitaker, Robert The Mapmaker's Wife: A True Tale of Love, Murder, and Survival in the Amazon
Speight, T. W. A Secret of the Sea
Speight, T. W. Under Lock and Key
Speight, T. W. The Mysteries of Heron Dyke
Speight, T. W. The Loudwater Tragedy
Speight, T. W. The Grey Monk
Speight, T. W. A Minion of the Moon: A Romance of the King's Highway
Speight, T. W. Burgo's Romance
Speight, T. W. The Heart of a Mystery
Speight, T. W. A Barren Title
Powers, David M. Damnable Heresy: William Pynchon, the Indians, and the First Book Banned (and Burned) in Boston
Orzel, Chad A Brief History of Timekeeping: The Science of Marking Time, from Stonehenge to Atomic Clocks
Launiainen, Petri A Brief History of Everything Wireless: How Invisible Waves Have Changed the World
Prager, Ellen Dangerous Earth: What We Wish We Knew About Volcanoes, Hurricanes, Climate Change, Earthquakes, and More
Murray, Charles Theodore Mlle. Fouchette: A Novel of French Life
Le Fanu, Sheridan The Tenants of Malory
Nance, Malcolm They Want to Kill Americans: The Militias, Terrorists, and Deranged Ideology of the Trump Insurgency
Defoe, Daniel The Life, Adventures & Piracies of the Famous Captain Singleton
Dawson, William James and Dawson, Coningsby, eds. The Great English Short-Story Writers, Volume 1
O'Brien, Flann The Third Policeman
Lewis, Michael The Fifth Risk


Herrick, Robert The Web of Life
Caviedes, César N. El Niño in History: Storming Through the Ages
Hodgson, William Hope The William Hope Hodgson Megapack
Parker, Matt Humble Pi: A Comedy of Maths Errors
Morrison, Arthur A Child of the Jago


Putnam, Nina Wilcox Believe You Me!
Speight, T. W. The Secret of Wyvern Towers
Speight, T. W. A Dead Reckoning
Seeley, Charles Sumner The Spanish Galleon
Bradley, Mary Hastings The Fortieth Door

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